Monday, April 14

The first appointment.

Well I'm home from being poked, prodded, scraped, manhandled and otherwise abused. And I'm sad to say that we are less pregnant then we thought :( Everything was going so well until it came time to hear the heartbeat. They were saying eleven weeks, and the due date was going to be November 2nd. Then they couldn't find a heartbeat so now all of a sudden I might only be seven or eight weeks!!!! I feel personally betrayed. I just got negative pregnant!!!! Grrrrr Oh well. The good news is that there's a baby in there, and neither Adam nor I passed out during the proceedings today. We have two appointments in two weeks (two on the same day) and one is to have an ultrasound done to determine the due date. The other is to meet with the midwife again and try again to hear the heartbeat.
Those don't seem to come with the pain this one did so I'm excited! :) And by the time I go for the third appointment we scheduled I'll be all graduated! Hoorah!

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